Friday, August 12, 2011

How long does it take for police to respond to burglar alarm?

how does it work like is there a signal sent to an office where the guy calls the polic or does it go str8 to the police

Can Dwarf Gourami be with these fish?

I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 platies and 5 red eye tetras 4 neon tetras and 3 tiger barbs. I know they are schooling fish and need 6 or more, we are not adding all the fish at one time but can dwarf gourami be with these fish. If so how many should I get. I have had this tank set up for a while and the reason why my tank is not fully set up is because our tank had got ick from the pet store all the fish we had didn't make it. The tiger barbs haven't bothered and of the other fish they all get along. We have had our tank for almost four months.

Why would an attractive woman rape a man?

It would be so easy for her to get laid by who she wants why would she sort to this? I read an article about a burglar who tried to rob a store but the woman who was working behind the counter, who apparently was attractive, raped him at knife point. When the cops eventually showed up he refused to press charges for the rape. This was in Russia. Crazy Russian women.

Name this movie, from a while ago?

i just remember one scene, when burglars walked into a house killed the parents that were on the bed watching TV, and there was a kid they were unaware of but the kid was smart and went to lay next to his dead mom and stained his shirt with her blood so they thieves would think that he also got shot. Anyone saw a movie with that scene?? i just cant remember the name!

Today i went out and got a tinfoil barb MD?

The barb is not a fussy eater and once used to the tank would eat pellet foods of any type and any rosy reds small enough to be swallowed whole. Eventually the oscars would kill the tinfoil barb. The barb is such a fast swimmer, it would escape most attempts on it, but the oscars will be relentless. The biggest problem in the tank is that if the oscars eat any of the rosy reds, fish is not in the oscar's natural diet and they can't properly digest and assimilate fish. This can gradually impact on the oscar and cause sudden death with no external signs of a problem. Invertebrates such as crayfish are the main dietary item for oscars when in their natural environment.

So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?

So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? So far its been twice. OK I could deal them leaving him HOME ALONE once but they left him HOME ALONE 2 many times. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?

Why is it people are trying to do?

Why is it people are predicting the end of the world when not even Jesus knows that. In the bible NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR THE HOUR. Unless you can predict when and where the burglar is gonna strike and only God knows that and the person that does it. So why don't you people stop predicting stuff and making yourself look like a fool.