Friday, August 12, 2011
How long does it take for police to respond to burglar alarm?
how does it work like is there a signal sent to an office where the guy calls the polic or does it go str8 to the police
Can Dwarf Gourami be with these fish?
I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 platies and 5 red eye tetras 4 neon tetras and 3 tiger barbs. I know they are schooling fish and need 6 or more, we are not adding all the fish at one time but can dwarf gourami be with these fish. If so how many should I get. I have had this tank set up for a while and the reason why my tank is not fully set up is because our tank had got ick from the pet store all the fish we had didn't make it. The tiger barbs haven't bothered and of the other fish they all get along. We have had our tank for almost four months.
Why would an attractive woman rape a man?
It would be so easy for her to get laid by who she wants why would she sort to this? I read an article about a burglar who tried to rob a store but the woman who was working behind the counter, who apparently was attractive, raped him at knife point. When the cops eventually showed up he refused to press charges for the rape. This was in Russia. Crazy Russian women.
Name this movie, from a while ago?
i just remember one scene, when burglars walked into a house killed the parents that were on the bed watching TV, and there was a kid they were unaware of but the kid was smart and went to lay next to his dead mom and stained his shirt with her blood so they thieves would think that he also got shot. Anyone saw a movie with that scene?? i just cant remember the name!
Today i went out and got a tinfoil barb MD?
The barb is not a fussy eater and once used to the tank would eat pellet foods of any type and any rosy reds small enough to be swallowed whole. Eventually the oscars would kill the tinfoil barb. The barb is such a fast swimmer, it would escape most attempts on it, but the oscars will be relentless. The biggest problem in the tank is that if the oscars eat any of the rosy reds, fish is not in the oscar's natural diet and they can't properly digest and assimilate fish. This can gradually impact on the oscar and cause sudden death with no external signs of a problem. Invertebrates such as crayfish are the main dietary item for oscars when in their natural environment.
So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?
So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? So far its been twice. OK I could deal them leaving him HOME ALONE once but they left him HOME ALONE 2 many times. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
Why is it people are trying to do?
Why is it people are predicting the end of the world when not even Jesus knows that. In the bible NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR THE HOUR. Unless you can predict when and where the burglar is gonna strike and only God knows that and the person that does it. So why don't you people stop predicting stuff and making yourself look like a fool.
I'm kind of worried about living on my own?
I am 18 and I have one daughter who is 9 months. I will be getting my own place sometime next month and if I have a bottom floor apartment the sliding glass door is right there with a patio, I'm worried about burglars and stuff like that. How can I get over this fear?
Good Pokemon HeartGold Team?
To be honest your team is perfect. Just remove Azumarill & replace it with a Gyrados. Gyrados is much better than Azumarill in so many different ways. Other than that you would have an immortal pokemon team.
Weird numb tingling sensation in arm?
Every now and then i will feel my arm tighten up, that's when i know the tingling is about to happen. So my arm tightens up for about a minute then suddenly i will get a painful tingling all on my left side extending from midway down my spine up to my shoulders. This lasts about 2 minutes then the area that was tingling will then go numb for a few minutes. After that my arm goes back to normal but will continue to feel slightly tight and there is a dull pain for a while after. Any idea what could be happening? Thanks
I lost a lot of fish today...?
You must keep the line tight when you are using barbless hooks. You must not put too much pressure so that you pull the hook out. Micro-barb hooks are certainly worth a try, they are quite easy to remove. What ever you do, do not poke about down the throat of a fish with a disgorger, that may well harm the fish, just cut the line and the fish WILL be able to get rid of the hook, I have seen them do it in a fish tank. The last thing I will say is we all have days like you mention when we seem to lose more than we land, but thats fishing.
My friends brother in law stole 6000 dollars from his mother in laws what does she do?
i hear that the guy moved in with his wives parents cause he coudnt afford a house and he is a drug addict and alcoholic she said he took money from his wif before for drugs and that he was acting strange for a few days while her wife and 6 year old son slept in the basement of her house! my friend later said when she went in her drawers she lost a box of money 6000 dollars worth and there was no one else in the house except him and his wife(daughter of the women) his 6 year old was at school at the time! and she doesnt think that a burglar went in one of her drawers and took the cash! so does this women call the police or go to court? the wife also believes her drug addict husband took the cash did soemthing with it and so does his dad in law so what do they do? go to court? my friend said he wants to press charges or do something about it at the same time he knows that he has a serious drug problem etc and stole money before! i dont know what the hell id do id probably call 911 call lawyer etc?
What on earth does this mean (Sleep Problems)?
I randomly woke up this morning at 4 a.m. My eyes were tired but my body was wide awake. Each time i tried to sleep, i experienced a sickening sensation where every sense heightened (especially hearing) and the feeling it created was equivalent to that of fear, or that feeling you get when you go down a really high roller coaster hill. It took several tries to get to sleep because this would happen every time i almost got to sleep. I slept for about three hours after that and feel i have not rested at all. What on earth does this mean?
Motion sensor burglar alarms?
Ok so I know I'm a bad kid, but it's the end of my junior year and i'll feel like such a failure if I can't throw one party, my moms going out of town, i live with my dad, but she locks up the house and has a burglar alarm, I know of and unlocked door and I won't set off the alarm, you don't need to warn me, but i don't know the code, and in the living room there's this weird motion detector and when you walk past it not only does it light up, but so does the main alarm pannel it just holds a solid red light, i'm not planning to trash her house, i love and respect my mommy, i just want to throw a party, will cops come?
Someone please give me a little more tampon advice!?
I think it is time for a bigger tampon maybe just a super and i prefer the Playtex sports tampons also i like the U by kotex tampons. but if you are not ready to go up a size then wear a regular along with a pad. about the burning you probably put it in wrong
What is happening to me?Have I contracted HIV?
Get a grip on yourself, mate. You've been tested, and you don't have HIV. Even if you did, committing suicide would break your parents' hearts. I suggest you have a talk with your doctor about your obvious anxiety issues.
Red tailed tinfoil barbs chasing other fish?
Hi. I currently have a 56 gallon tank with..2 pictus catfish..2 rosy barbs..1 bala and 2 clown loaches. They have all done very well and the tank is extremly peaceful. However tonight I bought 2 red tailed tinfoil barbs and now the tank is so chaotic..the tinfoil barbs are chasing all of the fish around and I'm worried the fish will tire and get sick or die..I love all of my fish very much and I want a very peaceful safe tank for all of them...should I take the two tinfoil barbs back or should I give them time. I just bought them just a couple of hours ago. Thank you in advance and any advice would be very much appreciated.
I have random aching In my bones in my legs and arms?
I'm fourteen but ever since I've been little I have this sensation that can only be described as a dull but painful ache in what feels like in my bones. I thought it just happened in my joints in which is usually the case but it can happen in the middle of my arm. Sometimes it's so bad it makes me cry. My mom always told me to take anvil but it never helped. I've tried to explain it to the doctor but they just kinda brushed it off. Any ideas of what it could be? It seems to occur at random.
Urinary tract infection gone?
About 6days ago I thought I had a uti because I consantly needs to urinate but when I did nothing really happened also I had a strange painful sensation when I went to the toilet. A day lAter inhad pain in my right side of stomach just above my hip. This all lasted for about 4days. Tommorow I was suppOsed to see my doctor but symptoms and pain has just about gone now. So was it a uti or something else?
Which is better: HTC Sensation or LG G2x?
If I were you, I would go for the Sensation. Obviously, it has more pros in your list than the G2x. In addition, the G2x's interface is pretty dull and boring. You should definitely check out both devices. But the G2x right now is temporarily out of stock and T-mobile bumped the price up. You could also just wait for other phones to come out, but if you're gonna buy it now, you should go for the Sensation.
What exactly does sex feel like?
my male cousin told me his first time hurt when he came but by the second time it was you wont really know till after your first how old are you in make sure you use condoms CONDOMS,CONDOMS
Help with my tiger barb?
okay i had 1 tiger barb in my 20 gallon tank with my two gourami and 4 tetras and 4 guppies but i had to move him bcuz he was attacking them so i had to move him into the 55 gallon which i have 2 jack dempsey cichlids in there and one convict cichlid but the cichlids are bulling him badly.... the only choice i have his to move him into the 6 gallon tank... is this enough room for him? can i put 2 other tiger barbs in there with him? thanks for any help
How to wire a 12v PIR?
An intermediate device like another relay or transistor to control the current to the larger relay would be better.
How can i grow my fishes?
i have Carp,moof,green-terror, suckerfish ,loach,tinfoil barb,rosy barb,silver shark,eel catfish and shark catfish in my tank i want to now how to grow my fishes.THEY DON'T GROW AT ALL. what should i feed them and give me some tips how to maintain my tank
A prop management co. expected me to pay for late fees from 3 years ago, but moved in a year ago?
They found a statement from '08 of whoever lived there having late fees and w/o doing any research tried getting us to pay. Upon telling them that these late fees have nothing to do with me, they told me they did because the house wasn't completely vacated and compared it to finding damage in a room and not reporting it. They found guy who needed to pay it, and did so, but acknowledged that no lease will be given due to the mess "we made" until the deposit is paid first. Upon mentioning to her that copying and pasting my name to a document that had nothing to do with me from '08 is considered fraud she shrieked "WHO CARES?" When I traded barbs telling her how rude and unprofessional she was told me "YOU HAVE 7 DAYS TO PAY THE DEPOSIT OR YOU'RE GONE! I'M HANGING UP!" Sorry its a little long, but seriously, how can you just paste someone's name to a statement from three years ago and try to pin these late fees on me? I wasn't even living in the same county 3 years ago lol. Any thoughts or who I can contact concerning this? I still have the attachment in e-mail of what she sent me. Mind you this was the owner of the property management co.
Cold Sore After Making Out!!!?
I was making out with this girl and as I was making out with her I started to feel that tingling sensation that u get when your about to get a cold sore. The girl has been known to get around alot, Ive been getting cold sores since I was little, if she would have given me herpes would I have developed a cold sore so fast, minutes only from making out with her? And the next day I started to develop canker sores inside my mouth, i know canker sores arent from herpes but could all this be from her?
Is it legal to hack into my own stolen computer?
Say a burglar stole my computer. Is it legal for me to hack into it, record audio/video, log their key strokes, take whatever personal information they may choose to store on my computer and spread viruses if he syncs a smartphone?
What are the GTA IV (multiplayer) features ?
i will get the game (original) in a few hours and i'm very excited about it :) i had an original copy a few months ago but since i can't play multiplayer it wasnt interesting...can i play something like cops vs burglars mp missions etc :)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
My angel fish is being nipped by another fish but i dont know which one ?
My angel fish is being nipped by another fish but i dont know which one it is, i have a hoplo thoracatum catfish, two opaline gouramis, five zebra loaches, bristle nose pleco catfish, two angel fish and a clown barb. Could you tell me what fish is most likely to be doing this? Thank you!
Good tankmates for a betta?
Let's make this clear I am talking of adding different species with a male betta in a 20 gallon. I am getting ghost shrimp and some kuhli loaches but I want another swimming fish I was thinking cherry barbs or platys but I just want more ideas. Lastly is there a way to test a bettas temperament before buying it?
What is my best choice for a good pistol?
There's wierdos in my neighborhood and my wife is pregnant. I want to make our place hostile to burglars. A pistol might be a good choice. I'm not the best shot but I can practice. I don't want to spend thousands, but I do want stopping power, magazine capacity, and most importantly, reliability. Ammunition cost and type are concerns too. Any advice on ammunition? Hollow point? Thanks for your time!
What type of dog do I want to get, based on these "requirements"?
I think a rottweiler would be perfect,however,rottweilers need a tough hand when they're young to be the lovable teddy bear when they're grown. I wouldnt go with any type of herding instinctive breed because it may nip at your child as she runs. I've always loved a black/chocolate/or yellow lab for a family.
What are the laws regarding defending your home/property against trespassers or potential burglars?
I've heard of instances where home invaders have been shot, killed, or injured by homeowners during burglary, but I've also heard of people being prosecuted for defending their home. Do criminals have rights? In other words my question is, can I get in trouble with the law for shooting a burglar or trespasser on my property?
What's the best way to get rid of a UTI? ?
honestly, i get these all the time. Prescription medicine is the ONLY way. there are these pills you can get at walmart called Azo it helps the burning and stinging but for the actual infection you need a prescription or it could lead to a kidney infection which BLOWS! drink lots of cranberry juice! Not the fake stuff, i mean the real bitter 100% juice. Also eat yogurt! Feel better <3
I sometimes get these weird sensations in my head?
This usually happens at home. Randomly, I get these head rushes. It feels like there is energy running to my head, but I think it is just a lot of blood. When these head rushes happen, my entire head feels warm, and everything becomes blurry. This only lasts for about ten seconds. It normally happens when I am standing up. I don't know why they happen, or what it is really. My family has a history of cancer (1 of my aunts died about 4 years ago, and 2 uncles are dying from cancer right now) and I am hoping it is not cancer. Can someone help me please?
Can burglars break into my business if they cut the power or telephone lines?
i just had install a alarm security system in my place but my friend says that they can still break into the place if they shut the power or cut the telephone lines and it will disable the alarm. is this true?
Who else is sick of UK laws?
I just read about a father and son getting done for murder because they stabbed a burglar who was one of a 4 strong gang who were smashing the backdoor down. How is it fair that a homeowner who is defending his and his families lives in his own home gets charged for murder its self defence on his own property. So the UK laws state that if a burglar enters your home you've got to pass them the knife and lay down on the floor for them to kill you WTF is wrong with the UK who else is sick of the stupid laws made by a government that has caused the UK to become a more dangerous and violent place year after year and says you have to be a good victim for the skum or we'll lock you up and throw away the key
Which are the best Burglar Alarm companies in india?
Im looking for sensor based burglar alarms (wired is ok) with an option of dialing single/multiple phones on breach in addition to hooter alarms
What do you guys think of the movie I am writing?
It's about a powerful space-man who conceives himself with a human woman from Earth without having sex with her, then sends himself on a suicide mission to make sure all the murderers, rapists, and burglars can join the saints in the utopian afterlife.
If I shot a burglar running out of my house can I get arrested?
If I was to metaphorically, i'm not confessing anything. If I shot a man who had burgled me when he was escaping up my front drive would he be able to get me arrested?
Is this a legal way to take a burglar down? It's not killing them.?
Okay, I have a paintball gun, and the gun can shoot 15 balls per second and shoots at very high velocities as anyone who plays paintball knows. So, would it be legal is some scumbag were to come into my home to unload on him? Would it be legal if I took out his eyes, or even both of ehm? And if he tried to get back up before the police came would it be legal for me to unload on him again without him coming at me or no? Basically the concept of this defense is to keep them down until the police arrive to take the scumbag (and I have a lot in my area) away. So is this legal in Chicago, IL?
Cool fish combinations for a 20g long tank?
I want it to be a community tank, I really like all types of fish but my favorites are cories, barbs, gouramis and tetras. I have asked if i can keep them together in a 20g long and i got all no's. Any other combinations for a 20 long. i will take all community combinations. And could you also give me links to the type of fish you guys reccomend? I want to pack my brain with info on fish :) Thanks!
Fencing 5 acres ideas?
Look into natural fencing. First clear a narrow trail a few feet wide at the borders of your land of the natural foliage and then plant something truly obnoxious that most Animals and people would find impenetrable.
How can i grow my fishes?
i have Carp,moof,green-terror, suckerfish ,loach,tinfoil barb,rosy barb,silver shark,eel catfish and shark catfish in my tank i want to now how to grow my fishes.THEY DON'T GROW AT ALL. what should i feed them and give me some tips how to maintain my tank
Under water breath holding?
I frequently have breath holding contests with friends in swimming pools and sometimes times myself. Usually i reach 30 seconds under water until it starts to hurt like hell. But i was watching magic stuff on youtube and came across David Blaine's breath hold and found out that when you hyperventilate until lightheadedness, you can significantly hold your breath longer but because you basically numb that sensation because of the amount of c02 in your blood (i reached 2 minutes comfortably). i know that doing this can cause brain damage and shallow water blackouts. How long would it take me (15, 125lbs, 5'5) to have brain damage set in and how long till a black out. i have a safeguard when doing this (lightly squeezing a friends hand and if i lose my grip they pull me out).
Can you get muscle strain on the stomach from doing sit up?
I recently doing start doing sit up after a meal in hope to lose some weight, i do 30 sit up after 3 hours of eating and i do it twice a day. It was fine on my first day but i get a light pain sensation on my stomach and think it was probably nothing but on the 2nd day, i start getting this pain on my upper stomach and when i tried to do sit up, it hurt really bad. Did i strain a muscle from over doing it or it is something else?
Tiger barbs and 1-2 female bettas?
I don't see why you couldn't.. The only problem I would see is the two betta's. I had a 46 gallon bow front with like 25 tiger barbs I it and had a few different tetras and a placo and a few loaches so I dont see why the betta's would have any problem surviving at all. That and you said it was an established tank so I think you will be just fine
Is it possible for your esophagus to dissapear from lack of sleep?
I am feeling weird sensations and bubbles in my chest when I swallow... this has been going on for months. Is it possible that my esophagus is gone? Would the infection have killed me by now?
Help! Do I have a UTI?
Defiantly sounds like a UTI. Go to the doctor. If you catch it early it might go away if you drink cranberry juice, but it won't cure it if it's already there. Just go to the doctor & they will give you medicine and it'll be gone within a week.
Burning sensation in throat and oseophagus when swallowing certain foods or drinks?
sounds like reflux, try taking gaviscon before you eat. Make an appointment with your doctor as well, you may need to be referred.
Is there anywhere i can get the default stereo back for a 1994 Buick Century?
my aftermarket stereo was stolen after someone broke into my car and i'd like to have radio again without being conspicuous to burglars and such. i'm looking on the internet but it seems i can't really find it. Any ideas?
Please help weird heart problems?
im 15 and i have a weird feeling my my heart its almost like when you're on a roller coaster and you down down a steep drop you get that feeling in your stomach but its less intense i went to the hospital and told them so they did all their stuff hooked me up to their machine (they put stickers all over you and then it prints out of piece of paper) i forget what its called EKG? the doctor read it and said everything was normal and that i just had anxiety but i think it might be something more serous because i feel it all the time and i have chest pains like 1 or twice a week what are possibilities and what should i do? my left arm is also starting to get the sensation it just feels really weird and uncomfortable
HTC Sensation sound not working!!!?
My sensation's sound just stopped. My music and pandora dont have sound, ringtones dont make a sound. Youtube wont even play videos, is anyone having a problem with this?
What is the quickest way to seal a stabwound?
i got stung by a stingray barb on the middle toe of my right foot and i really want to go back on the beach but im afraid that sand and saltwater will get in the wound. what is an instant or quick way to seal the cut
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What breed of dog is good as a guard dog/ sweet and kind family dog. ?
I was thinking a German Shepard or a husky. My mom says golden retrievers are too kind and will just lick the burglar. I had a golden before And she died recently :( but she was A coward and was scared of everything. And we just moved into a higher crime area so we need the extra protection to go with our guns and I also miss having a big lovable lug like my golden. The dog must be a large breed of dog that can bite the c$ out of a burglar and be sweet and kind when it's all over
Grapefruit Seed Extract on my testacles!!! PLEASE HELP!!?
Okay, I've been using grapefruit seed extract on my penis to get rid of warts, and it works great. however, today i spilled some on my balls and they have been on FIRE for hours. they burn so so bad. i can't even walk around without them hurting. :{ i'm not trying to be funny, does anyone know anything that can clear this burning sensation? i've tried washing them off. but it's made them so sensitve it's hard to touch them to wash so idk how effective it was.
Would these make a good addition to my community tank?
i love dwarf gouramis personally. and i think they would look good in both of those tanks.. people say having more then one gourami causes aggression so i tryed it myself and i have no idea what they r talking about? mine dont fight or anything.. they swim around together slowly and peacfully and what is weird about this is that they are both males?? so i think dwarf gouramis are a great fish to have because they dont get big and a fairly big compared to other community fish. and about walmart... they dont usually take good care of there fish but if u do look look for the one female that is swimming happily and doesnt have any spots.
I have been burgled please advise?
Get your insurance adjuster to come round and have a chat they will explain what you can claim and what you cant
So the burglar that was stabbed was in fact on police bail for other burglaries ..?
When you look at it from the perspective of a burglar who could have stabbed the householder,do you not think the householder probably saved his own life.The scumbag who died was trespassing and a potential threat to all in that home.His mates are a bunch of cowards who left him to save their own skin so to my way of thinking the idiot brought this all on himself and the householder should be given a community service award,good for him.
How to protect jewerly from metal detectors?
i have heard rumours of burglars using metal detectors to find jewerlies. Is that plausible? And if so, is there a way to cheat or jam the metal detector? Is true that thick rubber, solid concrete, asbestos or lead are capable of doing so?
Treating fins? Tiger Barb?
I wouldn't suggest you putting her back in. If she was nipped before , she will get nipped again. Tiger barbs usually pick a " Weakest Link" which isn't always the smallest so she may have been chosen. I have had tiger barbs that got nipped so bad that they got stuck in the filter intake and died. Really sad stuff. Good luck.
Is this going to bea mistake if I get this fish?
Ok, I have a 40 gal tank. 1 big plant 2 big hiding caves and a nice size peiece of drift wood. Thefish I have is 3 different kinds of tetras, cherry barbs and albino cherry barbs, juli cories, albino bristlenose plecos, a few guppies, 3 platties, and 1 male flaming dwarf gourami. Don worry it may sound over stocked but it isn't! And plus I getting rid of som of my guppies. Anyways, I will be gettin another male dwarf gourami, I want to put it in my 40 gal with my other male dwarf gourami. If I switch all the plants and accessories around and then put the new male in, do u think that they could live peacefully together? If so, what would u say to me if I would put some female dwarf gourami in their. Would that be a mistake? Would the 2 males fight over her? BAsicly I want to no if to male dwarf Gouramis can live together in a 40 gal? And or if 2 male dwarf Gouramis could live together in a 20 gal peacefully
What are some good cartoons about thiefs ?
I dont mean live action like Oceans 11, but cartoons or anime. Something like lupin III or something. With burglars, art or jewel thiefs.
What fish can you combine with a soft shell turtle?
Sounds like the tank is already pretty crowded. Turtles have special needs so I think they should have their own tank. My turtle roams free on the patio with his own pool.
To what extent could a person kill a criminal in self-defense without being convicted?
Basically you can't shoot a 'fleeing felon'. Also the felon has to be a real danger. A bare handed twelve year old probably isn't a threat. A fair sized 14 year old with a hammer could be if you're a small woman or in a wheelchair. If you're a small man and the felon is a large man, even if unarmed he could still kill or cripple you so shooting him is justified....of course that depends on the distance that you were when you fired. Closer than 12 feet is too close....if he's 20 feet away and not moving toward you...that's dicey. If he's 20 feet away and closing....we're in a gray zone. If you're an average sized man and the felon is small and armed with a tommy hatchet you might want him a bit closer than 15 feet..of course he could be just about to throw the hatchet at you....another gray zone. Armed, big and's probably best to shoot. Small, unarmed and moving away...hold your fire. Shoot to kill...dead men tell no tales....just don't shoot the sucker in the back...that's a no-no!
Does anybody know of a anime movie with a girl who can turn into an older version of herself?
I watched this when I was younger. I don't remember it that well. But I think she had pink hair. And a cat. And she could turn into a pop star or a masked burglar type person or just about anything but she would look older. Shes from another world/ magical kingdom. She uses a wand/ pen looking thing to transform.
What is this tingling sensation on my face?
Sometimes, I have a spot on my chin or under my eye lids that tingles, only for a few seconds, and then repeats throughout the day. And usually this goes away within a weeks time. It almost feels like one of my pores is moving. It's only a small speck on my face that feels this. If anyone has any idea what I'm talking bout, any information you could provide will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!
Why did I dream I stabbed my brother in the neck?
Dreams often have a way of taking a figure of speech and turning it into a "literal". In other words, he's a "pain in the neck". (stabbing in the neck)
What type of bottom feeders should i get for my 35 gal tank?
i have 5 zebra dianos in this tank 4 tiger barbs 1 dwarf gourmi. i also wanted to know if a dojo loach would be ok and other bottom feeders.
Will this work in a 100 gallon tank?
I have this empty 100 gallon tank and i have no idea of what to put in it. I either want a community like tetras, guppys, barbs and angelfish or a tank of African cichlids. Which one would you have and what would you have. Also how many clown loachs could i have? I know that they have to be in groups of 5. If it isn't big enough for 5, then can i have a sailfin spotted pleco? I want either one for both of these tanks.
Can someone PLEASE help me identify the illness I've been experiencing?
This could be many things, it sounds kinda like it may be Mono. It could be a form of Meningitis. Like I said it could be a lot of things. The best thing to do is make a dr. appt. and get some blood work done to check for the things and blood work will pick up a lot. Good Luck. There's a web site where u put in ur symptoms and it could help narrow it down to 2-3 things. The site is (web md ) Good Luck
Strange sensation on top of leg/thigh ?
Chances are it is caused by sleeping on it (whether you know it or not) This feeling of tingling and your odd sensation can persist for several days, if you ignore it, it will go away on it's own time.
Whats the idel amount of fish in my tank 48ltrs?
bit of novice so could do with sum help,ive got 3 golden barbs,4 neons,2 livebearers and 2 suckers as suggested by pets at home also they said i could have up to 15 fis in there any advise would be great
Which Barbs and Plecos?
rubber lips move around more then a hi fin. I have both in my kids 20 gal tank and rubber lip seems to do it job better. Sorry don't know much about barbs tho, never had any.
Please help! i don't know what this is!?
Yesterday I noticed a bump on the middle part of my lower lip. It is completely located on my lip, and not just on the edge of it. It is a raised bump with a somewhat white center and is painful to the touch and has a tingling sensation. I did some research and found that is seems somewhat like a cold sore, but over the course of the day I noticed three more similar bumps appear, and seeing as how I've never had a cold sore before, I didn't know if this was a common thing. I now have four bumps in total, two on my upper lip and two on my lower lip.. each in a different place. If it is a cold sore, the only possible place that that I could have gotten it from is my boyfriend; however, he has never had a cold sore (but his mom has), so I don't know how likely this would be. Because of all of this I am really starting to worry now. Could this maybe be something other than a cold sore.. like an STI resulting from giving oral sex? I have done this with my boyfriend, but he doesn't have any known STIs and has never had any kind of problems. Please, any advice or information you could give me would really help!
Ear problem! can you help me?
welll theres ear medicine that you can buy at wal*mart if you have an inner ear infection. otherwise just sleep with that side facing down on your pillow and maybve it might help
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Ok well i had a miscarriage... please read my story for those who wish to know the symptoms of miscarriage?
amy i have suffered miscarriages in the past.....the first when i was 19 ,the result of a car crash [the trauma induced the miscarriage at 6wks]......the second last year , i was pregnant with twins , lost the first at 6wks 2 days the second at 11wks 1day.......each miscarriage ended like this .....i felt long sharp stomach pains , began to spot and /or bleed heavily , nausea , and finally i was an emotional wreck...........most of the symptoms you list CAN just be regular pregnancy symptoms.....and i know from my gp [and the fact i still had nausea , cramps on and off ,and pregnancy symptoms a month post miscarriage]that symptoms can linger for upto 12weeks following..........i knew i was pregnant [with the twins] 2 weeks after concieving , as my symptoms were severe and my two kids caused me little to no symptoms......and honestly i am british and never heard this nonsense about us being different to the americans ??? i may live in australia now but am pretty sure pregnancy is the same world wide.......i am sorry for your loss .....but remember some of those syptoms may not have been the miscarriage itself but perhaps the hormonal imbalance we all dance with in pregnancy
Can I add Silver Dollar Tetras to this Tank?
You may add three silver dollars. There is enough place for 5 as well. As above, the concern would be the firemouth.. However proper care with adequate feeding will keep the barbs out of harm's way. Good Luck!
Yoyo loach dying? Its not Playing!!?
Sounds to me like he may be the victim of bullying. Do you notice the other fish chasing him or pieces missing from his fins? Even fish that are smaller than him can bully him. The only thing I know to do is move him, which you have already done. I would just keep him in a separate tank with the light off for a while until his condition improves, if it does. He could just be really really stressed. He may die anyway. I'm sorry if this wasn't very helpful, I don't know why else one fish would be acting sad and the rest acting fine. :(
I have restless leg syndrome, I need help?
Hello I'm fourteen and I just found out I have RLS. I told my mother about it and she told me has it too. Last night I stayed up till 6 in the morning because I couldn't go to sleep. I have an irresistable urge to move my legs top stop this uncomfortable sensation in my left leg. It will not go away.. Are there any home remedies I can use? or medications? I'm about to cry because theyre driving me insane. Also do I need to see a doctor about this?
I'm worried about my tank!?
It is cloudy and I'm worried about my tetras, cherry barbs albino cherry barbs, guppies and male flamming dwarf gourami in my 40 gal, I did 8 gal changes yesterday and the day before. I guess it got a little better but i don't want anything to happen to them cuz I'm obsessed with them for some reason and don't want to start over! Will the water clear up on it's own? Should I do more water changes? Do I have to buy stuff? I don't no wat kind of filter I have but when I got it from my neighbor, it was for a 55 gal and it's pretty big and has to sides so it has to filter cartridges if that helps. And a heater for the appropriate size gallon. I think it might be cuz I have to much fish, but I'm working on getting rid of all my guppies. I cansee thru the tank on the front and back but Barely can see thru the sides to the other side. So wat are some reasons it's cloudy
Tickling sensation in lower right side?
every time I put headphones in and try to close my eyes and/or sleep, I get a tickling in my left side, which is brought on by the sound in my right earphone (occasionally the left too). any suggestions as to what this could be or what I could do about it? and this happens at every volume I have it on, so I DON'T have it too loud
Did I have a paranormal experience?
I would say that it is certainly possible and most likely that something was in that room with you. And as for the goose bumps I think that has a bit to do with the cold spot in the room of whatever was in there and also with being scared.
Implanted penile pump because of impotence?
because of diabetes.. The pump works fine but the sensation is missing is there any answers. My hormone level is normal and I still get aroused mentally when I see a woman that attracts me. Now If I were to become intimate what should I say or not say to the woman?
My house is haunted what should i do!?!?!?
Don't worry, there is no such things as ghosts. If you can prove conclusively that there are ghosts in your house you can get $1,000,000 from the James Randi foundation.
I have a flu, but my heart feels a tightening pain every 45seconds?
These symptoms also sound like Pneumonia: it's like the flu but worse and also gives you false sense of recovery - where you feels like as if you're recovering but then get struck again as your body hasn't been able to fight it off. Ask you Doc to get an X-Ray and this way you also eliminate your other worries.
Can i own guns in america?
well, you chose to live in a state with notoriously lenient gun laws, congrats! Just wait the 90 days, and then you can pretty much buy any gun your heart desires (excluding fully-automatic firearms). Regarding guns and hunting in Texas, if you have the money, chances are you can do it.
Will my tiger barbs harass my algae eater if I get one?
I'm planning on getting an algae eater for my ten gallon tank so will they harass or nip at it's fins?
Need to Know, Book title driving me Bonkers >:|?
Ok, I posted once before but never got an answer. There was this book I read a few years back about a mid century movie star named Bunny Thomas who went from a molested childhood sensation to an adult star with a slutty nature and always seemed to be broke. Her mother Lavender Thomas was her manager or something and she was obsessed with keeping her daughter famous and successful, she was pretty much willing to die for it. Bunny ended up having a daughter named Chelsea who was grounded and very smart blah blah blah... Does this book sound familiar to anyone???? The author was a woman but I can't remember anymore. :/
About the army at 15 ?
i can join the army when i am 15 and 7months which is in a couple of months and then you go to a careers office and they book u in for a barb test.....what happens after you have done your basic barb and fitness and health ? do they tell you when u start trainin or what?
Little to no side effects after taking the morning after pill for the first time?
Well since most pregnancy tests won't tell you you're pregnant until you miss your period, you'll just have to wait. If your period doesn't come, wait about a week and if it still hasn't come THEN take a pregnancy test. The best results for one is if you do it on your first pee in the morning so it can tell easier before you put more fluids in your body. Also it normally takes 2 to 3 weeks for the sperm to attach to the egg and for the hormones to start sensing pregnancy. Just relax until then and don't think about it, because sometimes worrying about it can set off pregnant signals like missed period, nausea, but you won't be pregnant, you're body will think it is cause your stressed. Hope this helped!
When i pee it stings at the tip of my penis.?
I noticed today that when i went to the toilet i had a uncomfortable stinging sensation at the tip of my penis and i always feel i have to pee when i actually don't. I haven't had sex and am quite worried. please help. thanks
My therapist is doing grounding exercises with me. She told me something that sounded weird. Is she BSing me?
So we started doing some grounding exercises on our second session this week. She wants me to pretend that my feet are anchored to the earth's core and my name is written on the gold ball of light. She guided me to where I should feel the energy move throughout my body. She told me to tell her where I had more sensation. I told her that one of my arms felt more energy than the other. (Forgot which arm it was.) She told me that it means I feel better about giving than receiving and also that I was doing better with men than women. I thought it was far-fetched, and maybe she was trying to read me or giving me what she thought I wanted to hear. Or maybe she's right. I don't know much about what we were doing and was hoping someone on here could shed some light on it.
How did my Tiger Barbs survive without a heater?
Okay , so Tiger Barbs need a heater , i had 6 tigerbarbs in my 10 gallon tank near my window , and all of them survived ! for like 5 months straight without a heater , until i gave them to my friend , and then they died on him . But how did my tiger barbs survive without a heater ?
Should we in the UK refuse to let the European Court of Human Rights dictate to us what we do with criminals?
I agree with Ed Fox, i've never been to a prison but its not as simple as just punishing criminals harshly. You need to look into the Psychology of the person and what caused then to commit the crime. And its true you might view how crime should be dealt with differently if someone you know and liked commited a crime.
Does anyone else have this...?
Can Dwarf Gourami be with these fish?
I have a 30 gallon tank with 2 platies and 5 red eye tetras 4 neon tetras and 3 tiger barbs. I know they are schooling fish and need 6 or more, we are not adding all the fish at one time but can dwarf gourami be with these fish. If so how many should I get. I have had this tank set up for a while and the reason why my tank is not fully set up is because our tank had got ick from the pet store all the fish we had didn't make it. The tiger barbs haven't bothered and of the other fish they all get along. We have had our tank for almost four months.
How long until feeling comes back after sarpe?
I had my sarpe 7 days ago and just wondered whether it was normal to still have a weird tingling sensation in the right side of my lip, but fortunately everywhere else feels perfectly normal, its also still numb on my cheek on the right side just beside my nose.
My friends brother in law stole 6000 dollars from his mother in law he lives with her and his wife and kid?
i hear that the guy moved in with his wives parents cause he coudnt afford a house and he is a drug addict and alcoholic she said he took money from his wife before for drugs (about 1000 dollars) and that he was acting strange for a few days while her wife and 6 year old son slept in the basement of her house! my friend later said when she went in her drawers she lost a box of money 6000 dollars worth and there was no one else in the house except him and his wife(daughter of the women) his 6 year old was at school at the time! and she doesnt think that a burglar went in one of her drawers and took the cash! so does this women call the police or go to court? the wife also believes her drug addict husband took the cash did soemthing with it and so does his dad in law so what do they do? go to court? my friend said he wants to press charges or do something about it at the same time he knows that he has a serious drug problem etc and stole money before! i dont know what the hell id do id probably call 911 call lawyer etc? what woud you do if something similar happened in your family???
My firemouth cichlid laid eggs?
first question's right but i would probably give some away, there probably eat them if you dont put them in some other tank
Is this genital herpes or chaffing?
so i have started doing the insanity workout and on the third day i noticed i had a burning pain sensation where my bikini line is and i know some times my underwear rub against this area...but it's only on the right side...and i got a mirror to look at it and i saw about 5 bumps all in a row lined up and all of them had hairs sticking out of the bumps and it looked kind of chaff down there so i went to buy Boudreaux's butt paste and it took away some of the pain...well today i just looked at it again and now it look like little red sores...there is no pus or clear liquid coming from it...but i'm concerned and i've had the same partner for 3 years and this has never happened before...i told him about it and i asked has he ever experienced this before and he said no...but i'm freaking out so we have both decided to go to the doctor next week and get blood test for herpes...i just hope its not herpes because i'm going to be very depressed
When will my albino cherry barbs mate?! And my tetras?
I have 2 males and 2 females. One of the females I bought really fat so doesn't thA mean she's preggo? When wil they mate and have babies? WhT are som signs of mating and labor? Also I have the same ratio with reg cherry barbs. 2 male and 2 females. Do they have the same mating cycle as the albino cherry barbs? Would a cherry barb ever mate with a albino cherry barbs? Also will my tetras (gold or black or cardInal) ever mate( not with other species but in the SamE group?? Wat does thei mating look like? Would 2 female dwarf Gouramis go good with 1 male flaming dwarf gourami?
Should i fish lobsters or trout?
I am a f2p runescape player, and am wondering if i should fish lobsters at karamja, or trout at barb village. Either way i am dropping them, so dont add that as a factor to your answer. I am also 95 fishing, 60 percent to 96.
Did David Cameron ever get around to...?
Cameron was only saying that anyone using reasonable force would not be prosecuted. He was giving us something that we already have. That is the law at the moment.
If the conservatives had their way and we did away with social services wouldn't the crime rate be through the?
roof like it is in the few countries that try this, like The Congo in Africa. It would amount to the same $ spent on security and armored convoys to take your kids to school. Then your living behind barb wire fences and it doesn't sound like a very nice place for the rich and it's hell for the poor. So why not keep things the way they are if you aren't even going to save any money by starving the poor out?
Burglar with a cleanliness obsession is spared jail because he'd find it too dirty, what do?
I would have thought his compulsion would be the best reason to lock him up given that he has created much misery by burglarising people and locking him up if his condition is real would be the best form of payback .
Breeding different fresh water fish ?
I wanna breed my aquarium fish, i have a 55 gal. planted fish tank with a pair of german blue rams, 10 5 banded barbs, with 8 angle fish. plz help me out.
Are Burglars more likely to be Black or White? PLEASE READ!?
Right now Burglars are any race,hard times have hurt everyone and many choose to break in homes to make fast cash
I cough for a month every 9-12 months?
Im suffering from chronic coughs every 9-12 months. for example last august I got a cold/flu and soon after I started coughing for a month. nothing helped cough syrups symbicort....nothing. just last month I started suffering from season allergies. symptoms were runny nose, itchy throat and ears and red eyes. however these symptoms stopped suddenly last week and it just turned it to severe dry coughs. it's funny, some days I cough less than others. but again nothing helps relieve symptoms. i have also tried allergy pills. I also have this tickling sensation in my throat which I think triggers the cough. doctors just prescribe cough medicine to no effect. what am I suffering from? why do I get this every year?
How big a problem do you think Misandry in the media is?
its rampant and it's nauseating, my favorite example is king of queens or king and queen of queens whatever... its all about lying and her being a ***** and him being a dope..all the men are portrayed as just idiots, trying to lie and out manipulate the wife.. I'm sure there are lots of others if I think about it, but that one, jumps out to me.
Is my tank overstocked?
No your fine, but check the water levels now and then to be extra sure. As long as the levels are good , it would be fine to add another gold barb.
Monday, August 8, 2011
What happens when police lose stolen property?
We were burgled a couple of years back. We gave statements which detailed the stuff that had been taken, mainly jewellery. Some stolen property was retrieved via a pawn broker, we weren't told exactly what, and how much . We were told by the sergeant dealing with the case that it would be used as evidence in court. The burglar was prosecuted and served time, and the the investigation seems to have concluded. We have made a number of enquires as to when we would get our stuff back and originally told that it would be retained in case of any appeal etc. I have made recent enquiries since then; however, now we have been told that there is no trace. It seems they have no record of what evidence they held and it may have been lost in the system. I am considering some kind of complaint, but what happens in a scenario such as this, is there any kind of compensation for this? I was please the police nailed him, but It seems a bit wrong when the lad who done it is now walking round town still on drugs and will likely commit a similar crime again to feed his habit. Alot of the jewellery had sentimental value more than anything.
PLEASE ANSWER*** Are these good fish combinations?
each combo has a little too many fish, cut it back and it should be okay, maybe more like 12 fish in the tank minus the angelfish. it may be small when you buy it but it will get bigger and over crowd the tank.
He's suicidal and believes it's better that way again?
Have you thought about trying to get him therapy? Maybe write his feelings down into poetry and stuff? And the biggest thing is just be there for him! Its probably really hurt him mentally and emotionally to see people he cares about being murdered. Do as much as you can to be with him and try and get him help. Suicide can be prevented <3
Doctors, experts! Anyone! Please help! What wrong with me?
Out of no where sometimes when i think of something it feels like it was a dream orlike ive been there in my last life coz it feels like a playback or something. It goes for a few seconds and after that this funny warm feeling burns my heart and travels all the way to the left side of my body, to the neck, to my hands, tummy n legs, basically everywhere. Its this tingling feeling.. This lasts for around a few seconds to a minute.. Im not too sure because when it happens it feels like im in another world, im seeing other things that feels so familiar like ive seen it befire yet i dont know where it is and what it is or who it is and how i know them. Please do help me this is like the 5th time i got this and it comes and goes.. All i have to do is think of something and then that burning t hing happens again! After that happens, i forget what i thought about and what i see during the burning sensation. Please help i really dont know wht to do.. Is this a mini stroke? Or.. What? I dont even know the people that flash into my mind or most of the times i just dont remember. Anyone goes through this is well? Please help me.. I hate that feeling.. I feel so paralysed cz all i do is scrunch up and stay there motionless wawiting for it to pass..
What is this on my porch that is on my video cam?
I saved it, enlarged it, brightened it, changed the contrast and saturation, and I still can't get much out of it. To me it looks sort of like a bobcat, regular cat, or a raccoon...maybe a dog. I wouldn't worry about it, but review your tapes daily and see if you get recurring sightings of this...creature. Try turning a porch light on at night so you can see better, or set up flashlights on your porch and stuff. See if you can get a clearer image of the creature. Like I said, though, I wouldn't worry about it.
So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?
So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? The record right now is TWO. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
Having weird tingling on my left shoulder?
Well i was gone the whole week to staff for a camp and i've noticed that i have been having a weird sensation on my left shoulder. what usually happens is that i have a weird tingling feeling then it feels like it feel asleep then i can't feel it for 5 seconds then it comes back. i've told this to my parents and they think its because im just tired and i could believe that because i had to stay up till midnight when i was staffing, and i am really tired right now. So what could this mean does it mean i'm tired? or does it mean i have a back problem? or does it mean i'm just plain out crazy because this could be me being crazy. I really need to find out because tomorrow i am heading out for another week long camp.
I cant stay away from the potty more then 10min to an hr. pls helllpppp?
Please no rude comments. Okay I have been running to the bathroom for the past month or two to go poop I been pooping up to 3-10 times a day. My stomach hurts bad like air bubble and pressure on my bladder and back bone cause how bad I got to poop and pee but after I go I still feel pressure on just my bladder. My poop will sometimes is solid and othertimes runny. I had green poop for almost a week today its finally brown other times I just fart like I'm costapated. My poor butt and stomach can't take this no more. My other sythoms are. My left breast will have a slight painfulness to it and minor headaches and a shocking sensation in my vagina every once awhile. If anyone knows what's wrong please tell me I'm tired of this :( I'm planning on seeing a doctor but if I can try and save a visit then awesome. Please help
How much does a great Dane or irish wolfhound cost?
I love giant dogs but have only ha a coonhound at the largest. I'm trying to convince my dad to let me get one of the two breeds. Which is more of a one person dog? How much does it cost to feed them daily? How much do toys cost for such big breeds? Can they live outdoors/ in the garage. I live in ky but it doesn't get super hit where I live. I have a kiddy pool I can fill with water for them. I spend practically the whole day outside. Only going in to eat or sleep. I'm homeschooled so I live at home. I'm also looking for a dog that will go for 2 mile walks with me daily. I've heard the great Danes are couch potatos. Would they keep up? Also which is easier to train? Any information you could give me would help out alot. Also which gets along better with other dogs? We have two small/medium dogs that have never snapped at another dog and are really friendly. They welcome anyone into our home. If a burglar came they would show them the jewelry box. Lol. Thanx if you can help me out.
Do you think these Conservatives would make these Anti Gay insults to my face.?
Besides the question at hand, why didn't you spend the small inheritance your dad left you and get the hell out of the ghetto. I know so many other places besides CA where you could live quite far from the ghetto, and comfortably at that. No need for guns and motion sensors and a locked gate. Just friendly neighbors and freshly cut grass. (:
Can I kill a burglar if I get the chance to?
Once you have been burglarized, you will have a completely different outlook on the subject. Having been burglarized twice, once the house, once the storage unit. We now have a fence, dog, and a security system. Retired, and living in a state that supports the Castle Doctrine, one of my fondest dreams is to be home when the next burglar drops by. Not a Christian attitude, but I will end his career permanently, and pray for forgiveness later. In your situation, calling the police may be the best of several bad choices. Good luck.
Is my neighbor asking for it?
I live in a duplex apartment, so there's a locked front door that separates mine and my neighbor's apartment doors. I know he dislikes me, very thin walls, heard him degrading me a few times. I don't like him either but try to pretend he doesn't exist. Anyway, when coming home from work today i noticed he had this warning sticker on his door (that he's got a burglar alarm). Apparently i got him paranoid or something, as its unlikely someone to break into our home, its somewhat of a desolate suburban area. Anyway i take this personally as prejudice from him as denoting me as a thief/ degenerate/ criminal. THe thought of breaking into his home never came to my mind but now i feel like he's asking for it.
What do you think about what this girl did?
Yeah, that is pretty messed up to say something like that to be a wise a$$ (no offense but it's true) but I guess it's easier to joke about that stuff when she barley even knew him. If he had died like a year earlier when she got to know him her whole life or anytime when she could understand how cruel life is, then she would NEVER joke about that.
Cycling! Quick way??
You can get a product which is about �3 called "stress zyme" or something with boosts the bacteria production in your tank i used it ! it works ! (: You will have fish in there in two days !
Birth control cause formication?
Formication is the sensation of bugs crawling on you. I feel this every night and it's driving me crazy. Could it be because I am on the depo shot an it's messing with my hormones?
Is there a link between Asperger's Syndrome and OCD? AND do I have OCD?
They're not strictly linked, no. However, it's quite possible to have both. As for whether you have OCD, that's not exactly my area of expertise.
Please help! i don't know what this is!?
Yesterday I noticed a bump on the middle part of my lower lip. It is completely located on my lip, and not just on the edge of it. It is a raised bump with a somewhat white center and is painful to the touch and has a tingling sensation. I did some research and found that is seems somewhat like a cold sore, but over the course of the day I noticed three more similar bumps appear, and seeing as how I've never had a cold sore before, I didn't know if this was a common thing. I now have four bumps in total, two on my upper lip and two on my lower lip.. each in a different place. If it is a cold sore, the only possible place that that I could have gotten it from is my boyfriend; however, he has never had a cold sore (but his mom has), so I don't know how likely this would be. Because of all of this I am really starting to worry now. Could this maybe be something other than a cold sore.. like an STI resulting from giving oral sex? I have done this with my boyfriend, but he doesn't have any known STIs and has never had any kind of problems. Please, any advice or information you could give me would really help!
What would you do in my situation?
I'm going to go the other way on this answer. At least she is working trying to put food on the table instead of collecting welfare. When the dogs get sick and skinny let them go. If you have a bunch in the closet just put them in your neighbors yard and pretend you know nothing about it.
Questions about a 75 gal and it's fish stock.?
I want to get and am planning on getting a 75 gal. I need to no how many watts I should get for the heater. Filter-??? And ithe fish I was thinking- ( I already have some and will be switching them to the 75 gal once I get it and set it up. First ofall- the fish I have and will be switching over----- a few guppies like 10, 5 panda platties, 4 cherry barbs, 4 albino cherry barbs, 5 black neon tetras, 4 cardinal tetras, 6 gold tetras,5 juli cories, 2 albino bristlenose plecos, 6 ghost shrimp, and 1 male flamming dwarf gourami. Here wat I'm think of GETTING and putting them in the 75 gal with the other fish I listed, 1 more male dwarf gourami, 4 female dwarf gourami, 2 more cardinal tetras, 1 more black neon tetra, 1 more female cherry barb, 1 more female albino cherry barb, 2 more juli cories, and 3-4 platties of some type. Is this to much? And maybe 5 albino cories. Would the to cories get along? And I plan on getting a whole bunch of plants, and more driftowood. Any comments on anyof the fish not getting along? BE nice. Does any one have a 75 gal tank that isn't broken that their willing to sell in the wisconsin (greenbay, allouez, belleve) area? Oh and also 3-4 swordtails (1 male, 2-3 females)
Can albino senegal bicher and dojo loach live with my fish?
i have a 3 inch knight goby, a 12 inch dragon goby, two 5 inch comet goldfish, one 4 inch gold gourami, one 3 inch silver doller, one seven inch plecostomus, one 2 inch bumblebee catfish, five inch pictus catfish. ifeed them flakes or sometimes livefoods like feeder fish and snails. i have a 40 gallon tank. i know my tank is mildy brakish i found out my fish can survive in it. my q is can a 2 inch albino curvier bicher and 6 inch dojo loach stay in my tank. i know some of my fish are aggresive cause my gourami chasses my other fish my dragon goby fought with my past predators like brown ghost knife and reedfish. im most worried about is my knight goby cause it attacked and killed my 6 inch bala shark and my 2 inch cherry barb and i video taped it on my my $6,000 hi def video camera i got as a gift. i pre orderd it and the bicher is going to be just 2 ic=nchyes will it get eaten or is it fine. i also preordered the dojo 6 inches long though im not reallyh worried cause its peaceful what should i do and im getting them on friday!!! ps im not going to give them away and i dont have enough money right now to get a new tank! also i have a crayfish in a diffrent 20 gallon tank. he there cause he ate 20 of my fish
Search warrant question?
An officer sees a man that matches the description of a jewerly burglar, and searches him and finds marijuana. She arrests him with a charge of possesion. Is this search permissable?
Samsung Galaxy S II or HTC sensation?
Get the sensation! I love this phone. I got mine last week. The graphics are amazing and everything is displayed in HD. It's super fast and has a dual core processor. Everyones jealous :P
I have back pain,breast tenderness,odd sensation on my stomach area,tiredness,moodiness everday?
But an EPT says negative!! Should I wait or go to the Dr? Also my last period was a week early and was so light I didn't need a pad.
Tingling then light numbness in right ear?
Hi, I recently went to a very loud restaurant and later had some strong tingling inside my right ear, the ear was in pain the following day so I kept it sealed with cotton. Later I did a hearing test and was about 8" from the speaker at 25% volume, a tone going for 2 second increments at 15khz gave me a ringing in my other ear but the right ear couldn't hear it. Later on I felt a heavy numbness in my right ear, though I could hear normally out of it, the numbness has subsided significantly, but is still there. I feel that going outside in a breeze, my other ear can feel a sensation of air inside but a portion of my right ear cannot, the one with the numbness. Will this heal in time?
What should i do to help my platy or will it just die now ? :(?
First of, I think you should start with removing your platy from the tank. It's possible that your tank is too small and your fish are getting territorial. I would get some Melafix, it's really good for fish wounds. Unfortunately, it looks like there may not be much you can do for your Platy.
Tiger Barbs!!!!!!!!????????????!!!!!…
Hi! Well, I was looking at one of my Tiger Barbs, and it has a rounded belly and a black spot on the side. He/she never looked like that before. They have grown and are now Large tiger barbs but when I got them they were small. Do you think it might be pregnant? I haven't been able to watch it for this past week because I have been moving so I kept them at my old house. Today I got them over to my new house and I just noticed this... should I be worried? I have four of them...
I have restless leg syndrome, I need help?
Hello I'm fourteen and I just found out I have RLS. I told my mother about it and she told me has it too. Last night I stayed up till 6 in the morning because I couldn't go to sleep. I have an irresistable urge to move my legs top stop this uncomfortable sensation in my left leg. It will not go away.. Are there any home remedies I can use? or medications? I'm about to cry because theyre driving me insane. Also do I need to see a doctor about this?
Urge to urinate after UTI treatment?
I was prescribed Bactrim for 3 days and my symptoms nearly went away (burning sensation, sharp pain) but the urge to urinate is still present. I went to the doctor again today and she said that she can't prescribe me more antibiotics since I'm not in pain anymore. After that, she told me to come back in 2-3 weeks if it gets worse. I don't know what to do, I can't even sleep! I feel like I need to use the bathroom 24/7 and it gets in the way of my daily activities. I have had a few UTIs in my lifetime but the symptoms never lasted this long (almost 1 week). Is there anything I could do? Or should I just wait?
Please help me , i may be on the verge of killing myself!?
a year and a few months ago i had a weird sensation and i panicked. what i remember was that i started thinking why us humans fix ourselves if we cant see ourselves and from that day on ive been living like this.For like 5 or 6 years i would suffer from horrible panic attacks maybe 3 times a day and anxiety. i would fear death i used to think i was always sick and dying. whenever i went out i would panic , id feel like im sufficating and get panic attacks however whenever i felt safe i would be so happy and back to normal. like 3 years ago i had a thought that was that i didnt recognize my family, as if i didnt know who they were. that sensation lasted a few months and quickly went away.2 years ago the same thing happened however this time the thought was that my heart was beating too rapidly and going out of control.i stayed with this panicky thaught for almost a year. all those years i felt haunted , i ddnt like leaving my house without knwing there was a hospital near by or a way out . mental illness is not common in the family however my aunt and cousin both suffer from sever stress and my grandma for alzheimers.howver a year and a bit ago this new thought happend but this time it keeps on first i would just question life , like whats the point in doing things , why are we here , why cant we see ourselves and all we do i see were like machines trapped inside boxes like our soulds are one thing and our bodys another.then it progressed , id have more wierd thoughts that would lead to panic attacks. but these panic attacks were different , i wouldnt feel suffoctation or dizziness instead id feel as if i was loosing my mind , like i was being detached like my soul had to get out of my body .suddenly everyday i feel as if im watching my life through someone elses point of view , i dont enjoy the things i used to do before i feel as if im not real my lifes not real and sometimes when i see myself in the mirror i dont recognize myself even though i am aware that thats me . i dont like leaving my house though i really want to , i wanna socialize and be a normal teenage symptoms worsten when im bored , stresses or getting my period . when im distracted 100 % i feel normal , im not scared and i go out i forget my thoughts , sometimes this lasts for a whole month maybe 2 .but eventhought i feel normal im just 80 % normal because i still feel unreal or like a machine trapped in a box .i still feel empty as if im not living my life . im just 16 years old i wanna be able to live my life normally but now im questioning wether i will . sometimes my attacks get so bad that i feel like KILLING MYSELF , or just want to sleep and begin to cry. please help me , guide me and tell me what to do what this is , is it curable , am i going insane ?1 please help me
How to breed tiger barbs in a fiftyfive gallon tank?
a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
I took a Tylenol pm last night and then bout an hour later I felt so weird?
Is felt like electricity was going through me and had these weird sensations like that and just felt so odd it's hard to explain
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Could her wetness make my penis look really wet all over?
I put my penis into her and thrust no more than three times pretty quickly. When I took it out it was really wet and covered in some clear and sticky substance, almost like pre ***. When I was thrusting the sensation was amazing but I'm fairly positive I did not ***. As we were freaking out my erection dropped quickly but I think that was mainly because we were freaking out and it killed the mood. My penis wasn't super sensitive or anything like it usually is after I've ***. When she left I went to try and masturbate and I got hard and came for real. We're both really scared and trying to figure this out, did I *** or could her wetness make my penis look that way?
Why are you not allowed to assult a burglar if they are in your home?
Even in the UK you have the right to self defense in your home and if you wimp out you may end up dead.}{
Buddhism and Karma??????????
I'm a new buddhist although I've belived init more than my birth religion christian its the first religion ive actually wanted to learn about and wanted to be a part of.. However, in the past I made many bad choices as a teenager.. burglar(high school), bully(elementary school) sure enough i was a good little kid at first and had a nice life with friends an deverything.. when i turned bad bad thigns started to happen..then it got me thinking maybe my past lifes are also to blaim or maybe its just this life.. you see i moved to this country from Russia(USA) and growing up i was always different outcast etc.. which probably shaped teh person i was.. dont get me wrong i am actually a ncie person like ill help someone in need save a kid being beaten up anything i can.. im actualy a better person now.. than i was before.. how will this affect me in my future lives?
Coccyx feel uncomfortable when sitting?
The Coccyx is a particularly difficult area to deal with so you really should go and see your doctor to find out exactly what you have done and more importantly what you can do to reduce the pain you are experiencing.
150 gallon tank stocking ideas?
Personally I like the biotope idea, but I'd stay away from fish that get as large as that and do rainbows with other soft water species. Driftwood and plastic plants in dense clumps unevenly spaced around the tank.
When wi I be able to tell.........?
When will I be able to tell if the babies I found today are guppies or platties, some have a gray body, some have yellow bodies. Could it be my cherry barbs babies? There is abou 20 of them and I found them today after I got home from summer school - :(. And they were on top of the tank. I think there new born bu maybe a couple days old. So how will I no and when will I no if they are guppy babies, or panda platty babies? Wat color are panda platty babies? Also wat color are gold neon platty babies, blue rainbow baby platties? New born babies that is?
My guppies 5 weeks pregnant but still not giving birth, she appears to almost about to burst and is energetic?
How could you possibly know when she received sperm? Guppys will drop every 28 days give or take about 4 hours. You will not get many babies with the other fish in the tank. Do not handle her now as it may hurt her. I can tell you the Barbs and the black skirt will eat them. The mixture of fish is not good. onesies of different species will not be particularly happy.
Why does the U.S. government favor Hispanic immigrants?
It might be best to ask the last few Administrations, Dem and Repub alike, why the already existing Immigration laws haven't been totally enforced.
Gallbladder I need HELP?
sounds like pancreatitis. this will make you throw up. my father in law had pancreatitis. lots of pain, and a hospital stay. he then had his gallbladder out. he,s 83, and feels like a new man.
What do you think of this crazy arrest after a burglar died?
And only 24 hours after Cameron was spouting about not prosecuting people who defend their property. Perhaps now we shall see how good his word is.
What can I do to ease the pain from my peripheral neuropathy?
I have nerve damage from my waist down. I have excruciating pain and burning sensations in my feet and ankles. Any suggestions on how to ease the pain? I am taking prescription medicine for it, but slowly it quits working, they up my dosage, and then it works for a short time, then slowly stops working again. Any suggestions or knowledge would be spectacular.
HTC Sensation Price...When will it come down?
"When will the price come down?" is the typical question among the mobile phone customers. The price of a mobile phone will not drastically come down for no reason. If you want a quality product, I would recommend you to buy it within few months of its release before the price comes down. It is after all a business strategy to reduce a price of one product when the quality of it is low. Mobile phone industries are not exception here. They will categorize their products based on the defects. Top quality phones would be released first. To sell the second and third grade phones, they would reduce the price. Defect would be like Dead pixels, Back light bleeding, low quality camera. So If you like HTC Sensation, go ahead and buy now.
OMG black baby loaches?
ive got three black khlui loaches 1 super fat one and two normal ones in a community tank with 4 corys, 2 bumble bee catfish, bunch of tiger barbs, and tetra. well i was stirring up the gravel in my tank (55gal) and as the tank was settling i noticed little loaches about 20-30 wiggling back to the gravel. there all brownish black there about half in inch long in real skinny. one even ran right into a tiger barbs face and the barb didn't eat it. my question is to see if anyone has info on how to care for the baby's. there to tiny to try in catch and i cant take out my other fish for i don't have another tank. do you think any of the baby's will make it to adult hood? can anyone show me a Video on the baby's? that way i can make sure there loaches and not some fish eating disease.
Looking for any history of O.B.McClintock Co. Minneapolis or vintage burglar alarms?
We have a burglar alarm museum in central Minnesota and am looking for former alarm tecs or those of like interests. contact Yahoo Groups and go to O B McClintock. Join us, its free and you are welcome to join.
Do burglars give up their rights when they break into a house?
You break into my home you have effectively waived your rights and I will do whatever is necessary to protect my home and family and if that results in your death then so be it I have rights too .
How do I reset my burglar alarm?
Just a belt and braces check, but make sure that there are no triggered panic alarms that have not been reset (although entering the code should disable it, depending on how it was set up) The most likely scenario is that if it is a hard wired system, the tamper line is triggered somewhere, the fix may be as simple as checking the connection of all wires in all devices, but may require an alarm engineer to trace the fault properly
I had a CBC blood test done and if I had a brain tumor, would this blood test have shown some abnormalties?
I had a CT scan without contrast and it came back normal and they did a CBC and it came back normal. I keep getting strange pain like sensations in the back of my head a few times a day and I am worried if I should trust the CT and CBC. Any Advice?
How long to stall a horse with a decent laceration?
I'd just periodically flush it with saline and then reapply a thin layer of EMT. Watch for any swelling that could mean there is a hematoma or abscess forming, and check for purulent drainage. If any of that occurs, call your vet for advice. I see no reason to keep him stalled.
Is this a bad idea for my 40 gal community tank?
I have guppies, 3 panda platties, cherry barbs albino cherry barbs, some tetras and 1 male flaming dwarf gourAmi. What is a better choice, another male dwarf gourami or 2 females? Explain for both plz. Also i would like to add that people say not to put to males together but if that's the case then y do the stores do it? Explain on that to. Also, why won't my albino and regular cherry barbs mate? I have 2 male cherry barbs and 2 females and I have 2 male albino cherry barbs and 2 female albino cherry barbs. One of my albinos is super fat( I bought her like that) and they aren't mating
Internet sensation website need advanced coder!?
I can draw the layout and we would need a dual agreement but it has potential of being enterprise website so it would need money from both sides to get it running and payment would be through the profits of the website distributed to how much we put in! big project coder would need to know social networking basics like php language..
How many fish could i do in my tank?
i am going to be buying fish soon and i was thinking of doing a school of tiger barbs a school of green tiger barbs and either a kuhli loach school or some kind of shark or an algae eater. i have a 15 gallon tank
Semi Aggressive Tank: Could these fish go together without too much worry?
Tiger barbs are schooling fish and need to be kept in at least a group of four, same with thd silver dollars. Also, silver dollars grow to be quite large. if not kept in schools they will be quite nervous and unhappy. my suggestion would be to not get the silver dollar and just get a couple more tiger barbs, and youll have a nice setup. and i know you said you arent keeping bala shark for long, but do be careful for they do get quite large
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Can these fish live in a 5 Gallon tank?
that's too many fish. Stick to only getting up to 5 fish. no you do not need a heater. that Temperature should be just fine.
Unusual Bowel Movements? ?
It is probably stress. Sounds like what happens to me when I am nervous about something. Plus if your are stressed causing irregular bowel movements and are a hypochondriac, it seems like a downward spiral.
Would you kill someone if they tried to break into your house?
yes if worse comes to worse, well put it like this ive worked hard to get where i am and i will not let some f*cker of a degenerate try and burgle me. but life is Precious so i would be in the middle to be Honest.
What was the name of this movie/tvshow?
A man dressed in a burglar outfit with clown make up on, steps through the dark hallway of a woman's home while she's taking a shower. He makes his way though the hallway toward a baby's bedroom. The baby stands in its crib crying for its mother, and that's all I remember. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
Sims 2 help! Looking for yellow device..?
Hi! Before my Sims crashed, I had this super handy little device. It looked exactly like the burglar alarm, except it was yellow. It let me change outfits, pull up grades, moods and just about anything I really needed to do. I don't remember where I got it and I would really appreciate anyones help! Thank you sooooo much in advance. :)
What fish go together??? Never owned a big tank?
20 gallons isn't actually that big. Cichlids are very aggressive so I wouldn't put anything else with them and they generally need bigger tanks. I have a red-blood parrot all by himself right now because he can't get along with anyone else. Ask the pet stores of if you go to petsmart they have their classifications on the tags, just be sure to to mix the types of fish.
Im worried about my opaline gourami.?
a few days ago i added a male opaline gourami to my 30g tank. it was shy and didnt eat anything that day so i just let it be. the next day it wouldnt eat anything i gave it. flake, small pellets, micro pellets, bloodworm, algea disk, and even tried frozen blood worm. i have tiger barbs in the tank with it and they have left it alone. the color of my gourami is nice and bright better than at the petstore. same with all my tigers. i was thinking my tigers were eating all the food and not letting my gourami eat. thats why i tried the small pellets. they are too big for the tigers to get in their moulths so they cant eat all the food. all this food was either omega 1 or hikari. the store fead this fish omega 1. i also had some snails in the tank that have vanished i think the gourami ate them, and live plants. im not too worried about the wealfare of the fish right now cause the color is good but later that might change any ideas?
I need help with a spirit/demon?
I would get in contact with a local paranormal (or ghost hunters) group and talk to them. Maybe see if they can do an investigation. Most groups, if they're legit and really wanting to help people they will do this for free. Until then, if it's bothering you I'd try to set some ground rules with it such as telling it that this is your home and it needs to leave you alone. Some people put sage in their homes or burn it through a smudging process and supposedly that helps.
Fish that are similar to tiger barbs?
Hello. I was wondering if there are any fish similar to tiger barbs with the same characteristics (non-aggressive, schooling, playful). I learned the hard way of putting tiger barbs with balas/neon tetras. My fault for not researching enough.
Fish tank heater overheated!!!?
My tank heater recently way overheated my tank and killed two of my tiger barbs and my bala sharks but my pleco seems to be perfectly fine from it. I have recycled and my tank is fine now. My pleco seems good as new so you think that he is ok??
Why has my thumb gone numb?
Could be damaged nerves. But extremities going numb is typical of diabetes I believe, so you may want to get tested for that.
So how many time can a parent leave their youngest child home during a vacation?
So how many time can a parent leave their youngest child home during a vacation without having child services called? The record right now is TWO. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope they don do to him what they did last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
My friends brother in law stole 6000 dollars from his mother in laws what does she do?
i hear that the guy moved in with his wives parents cause he coudnt afford a house and he is a drug addict and alcoholic she said he took money from his wif before for drugs and that he was acting strange for a few days while her wife and 6 year old son slept in the basement of her house! my friend later said when she went in her drawers she lost a box of money 6000 dollars worth and there was no one else in the house except him and his wife(daughter of the women) his 6 year old was at school at the time! and she doesnt think that a burglar went in one of her drawers and took the cash! so does this women call the police or go to court? the wife also believes her drug addict husband took the cash did soemthing with it and so does his dad in law so what do they do? go to court? my friend said he wants to press charges or do something about it at the same time he knows that he has a serious drug problem etc and stole money before! i dont know what the hell id do id probably call 911 call lawyer etc?
Aspasia to his Pericles: Please comment on my poem...?
Epimetheus was the brother of Prometheus, the Titan who "stole" the flame (of knowledge, also technology) from Gods, and offered it to the mortals. He was sendenced to be chained in Caucasus...from where Heracles freed him. Now the poem: I am alert and surprised by the aristocracy of poetic thinking of our P., this poetic touch of hers is unique and genuine. It reminds me of poetry of the Byzantine times, around 1000-1200 A.C. I shall add more observations later. Bravo, temporarily.
What type of bottom feeders should i get for my 35 gal tank?
i have 5 zebra dianos in this tank 4 tiger barbs 1 dwarf gourmi. i also wanted to know if a dojo loach would be ok
Mysterious Clown Loach death?
The clown loach may have had a fungus/disease when you got it. They are very sensitive also. I am not positive but am pretty sure they lay eggs so it probably wasn`t pregnant.
My penis head has a burning sensation when i pee and its red, can someone tell me why this would be and im 14?
well last week i had sex with my girl friend but it was her first time so i dont believe she could have been the problem but i had but sex with two other girls before her but it was about 2 years ago i really need help what could this be?
Future 29 gallon tank stocking idea?
I'm worried that the tiger barbs will be aggressive if the pack is too small. I really think that's risky. Tetras are okay, but FYI, tiger barbs are also very nippy and I always consider tiger barbs nippier than any tetras. Be careful about livebearers because when you add a female, your tank has the probability to be overstocked (except if you plan to breed them)
What sentence would you give to such burglar?
Theft is theft regardless of the circumstances. If Johnny needs some cash he can go out and earn it.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Could the Justice department get involved into the New York marriage thing?
It seems to be getting involved in many states rights activities, you got the voter intimidation, a done deal, the guns, the border fence and creating all that media sensation, bunch of other things they have jumped into things like the Boeing deal, I mean why can't a business open a business in another state which really needs the jobs. just wondering.
Suggested stocking for a 36 gallon FW tank? :3?
How about several breeds of schools of at least 6-10 or they do get aggressive: A doz. tetras, Danios are fun to watch,top feeders, swim mid-level; 3 sharks help the cats cleanup; I have Tiger Barbs- they play in more numbers(need plants to hide in), Angels grow the largest up to 12"and live for years and are most graceful. Swords & Platies play/mate together. It was so cool to watch their matedance..1male-2-3 females ratio of platies(No guppies, they're like rabbits). Any number of snails, 5 Cory cats, at least10 ghost shrimp, 1 bamboo shrimp & a small variety Algae Eater (semi-aggressive) all to scourclean. If they have stuff to climb w/out getting out, 1 male,1 female fiddler crab or 4 if there's 12" sq/p crab. They need soft sand, logs & shells to hide under. Frogs are fun to see bounce off rocks. That's all I can think of at 1:13 a.m. Gourami's way too shy. All from personal experience but for web advice try especially for compatibilty
Any good comedy-crime-cop films?
they need 2 be modern, not made beyond 2004, they have 2 be good, and involve crime, or cops, or burglars or summat plz guys thanks.
Movie: About a play going wrong.?
It's a movie about people putting on a play, and they show you them backstage. Sometime during the play people step in to play other people and theres three burglars at once. They mess up the play but still try to keep going. I know it's a vague description but that's all I can really remember.
I need help w/ Nipples piercing?
i heard something happens to them if you have babbies then when you breast feed something with go wrong
My fish died after partial water change?
why dont you put in an air stone so you dont have to worry about oxygen and too many water changes can put fish in shock. are you watching ph, removing chlorine out of the water? also changing the water alot messes with the nitrate cycle. and gold fish suck get something cool like chichilds.
Which fish combination would be better?
I hate to say it but neither sound good. Both tanks are just to many fish for one 20 gallon tank. Angelfish get big and need a good amount of space. Even worse on A you have Angelfish that can be aggressive(personal experience) and red tail sharks that can also be aggressive. The angelfish alone is going to need about 10 gallons. Keep in mind the very general rule that you need one gallon of water for each inch of fish. I have seen my fair share of tiger barbs that killed other fish with their constant nibbling. I would start him off with some Tetras they are easy and inexpensive. If he does well with those then consider the other types of fish. Good luck!!
Throbbing under left rib cage?
Around the bottom of my left rib cage there is a throbbing sensation. It doesn't hurt but its very annoying. It's been going on for two days. What do you think is causing it? Could it be serious?
Heart and Left arm have constant pain?
From what you're me tell it sounds like you are having a heart attack. The last time I had a heart attack I had same pain. My advice is to get to a hospital fast. Better still call 911. You need help and you need it quick.
Why did the UK government agree to the sillier parts of the Human Rights Act & the European Convention on?
There is something decisively wrong with countries with so many different interests pretending to all agree. For instance Germany gets 90% of its energy from Russia. Russia did not want Libya to be attacked so naturally now Germany is against it. There are just so many issues where it goes against our values. For instance Europe is telling Britain, which is often cited as the home of Law, what to do. We have some of the greatest minds in the World yet we act as if we need a group of feckless Eurocrats in Brussels to tell us what to do. The example you use just shows how much common sense if lacking.
Who is more dishonest a Bank or a Burglar?
At least a banker wouldn't break into a someones house knowing they didn't have much, wreck the house turning it over then take a dump on the floor or in the kids beds. Burglars are scum of the earth i cannot state that strongly enough. Bankers and burglars both destroy lives but for a banker it's only business, a burglar it's for pleasure.
So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?
So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? So far its been twice. OK I could deal them leaving him HOME ALONE once but they left him HOME ALONE 2 many times. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
How much would it be for a 20 or 29 gallon tank?
I'm wondering because I have some tiger barbs (healthy) in a 10 gal. tank so I need to get a bigger tank for the tiger barbs in order for them to stay healthy and have a school of them.
If you kill a burglar trespassing your home can you be convicted as a murderer?
Yes you can. Recently in Fresno, CA, burglars' robbed a man's property and as they burglars left they pointed a gun at the homeowner. The homeowner retaliated with a shogun and killed one of burglars. The home owner plead guilty and is now serving 28 years to life.
So, my wife and I had decided to go to a late night movie. We did not have a babysitter and this kind gentleman called Pedro Bayer with a thick mexican mustache came to our house. He said he really likes lollies-which i assumed to be lollipops and i thought that he could identify with the children. When we got home we couldnt find Pedro Bayer or the kids, and I am so scared that the kids and Pedro Bayer were kidnapped by a crazed burglar. Help me find them please!
My cat has a lame leg...I need a real answer!?
It sounds like nerve damage. I doubt it can be fixed anymore. You need to take her to your vet. You can cut her nails with a fingernail clipper. Just take the hook off. make sure she see's the vet soon. Good luck!
Help! Tiger Barbs and Gourami acting strange?
I recently purchased the top fin 10 gallon kit. I had my water cycling for a week or so and I have a Opaline Gourami and 3 Tiger barbs. I had the Gourami first, and just added the Tiger barbs yesterday(My water was tested yesterday at Petsmart and they said my water was fine). Yesterday my tiger barbs stuck together as a school and were very lively, swimming together around the tank. However, my gourami began hiding in the barrel decoration I have in the tank, which I was not sure of why. Then today, I noticed my Tiger barbs separated and are not swimming together, but instead are hiding behind objects like the heater and filter. I also noticed the Tiger barbs were making small, quick movements, almost shivering? Sometimes even hiding in the barrel with the gourami. What does this mean? All my fish are acting strange.I had my water tested yesterday, so I think thats fine. And the temperature in my tank is 80F.
My broher is on another one of his stupid rampages about how i should care for our?
alzheimered father,hes taken off on me yesterday and i didnt hear him leave,my dad is a cat burglar in the way he gets out without being seen or heard,now my brother is going to have my bedroom door taken off simply because i cant see my dad leave the house.all the time he was out he was upstairs in my nieces apartment! wtf am i supposed to do,sit in the middle of the living oom and stare my dad down? i see this as an out and out invasion of my god given privacy.first off my dad has attacked me three times already,this will invite him to sneak into my bed ,or beat me again.can i report him for emotional and mental abuse?
Ear cartilage piercing pain?
i just got my cartilage pierced a few weeks ago (with a gun) and when i first got it done, i hardly felt anything. just a little tingling and burning sensation. then one day when i hugged someone my earring got squooshed and the pain was excruciating! ever since the first time it got irritated it has been almost constantly in pain. it is red and swollen and is excruciating to the touch, especially on the back. sometimes i cant stand it because the pain is throbbing in my ear. i know that it will heal after a while but i need something to relieve the pain more, besides just taking painkillers cause i cant live on painkillers. Please help me!
Unzipping The Clinton Legacy - Does that give you the willies, so to speak?
No matter where you get this, it's still a fun read. It reminds me of how much the liberal media and the left swept under the rug, and ignore what the Clintons did. Shameful time those years are. Plus I paid my @ss off to the IRS all of Slick Willie's years in the White House. Thank you Lord for the Bush's Tax Cut.
Why can't I sleep on the sides?
I think all people are dumb like that. I can sleep on my sides but rarely my back and NEVER face down. If it helps, try hugging a pillow or something as you lay on your sides. That's what I did as a child...
Am I pregnant?!? I have been feeling weird lately?
For the past couple of days I haven't been feeling well and the past 3 nights I have thrown up. I have been having a pinching pain in my lower right side and a pulling sensation around my belly button. I have not missed my period yet. One of my co-workers said that I have a "glow" about me and I have gained weight in my hips, thighs, and butt. What do you think?
How many tiger barbs can fit in a 10 gallon?
I have a 10 gallon aquarium sitting around and i'm thinking about setting it up seeing all i need is some gravel and plants/decorations. I already have a 14 gallon tropical community tank set up and i know what i'm doing. So how many tiger barbs could i fit in a 10 gallon tank? I've heard that the absolute maximum would be 10 but i think maybe like 5-6 or 7? And then maybe some ghost shrimp too. What do you think?
What's the name of the drum and bass tune where its a girls saying 'sensation'?
Its either drum and bass or dubstep but I'm posative its dnb. Its a girl just singing sensation at points.
I had a cyst around my pubic region that popped when i put pressure on it, but it didn't drain outside, but instead burst inside. It was about the size of a penny and afterwards I felt a warm sensation under the skin and its red. What should I do? What should I look out for?
What's the best way to keep my cat cool?
I asked this a few weeks ago, just wanted to see if anyone else had other advice. I live in Maryland and we are getting ready for a few 100 degree days. I keep the windows in the house open about 3 inches, we have burglar latches. Also the cat got shaved, keep the lights off, he has 3 waters bowls, 3 fans running. The a/c is off when we go to work but all the windows stay open. Any other ideas on how to keep the cat cool during the heat?
What is the stuff in maternity wards that they give you to put down below if you've had stitch's?
when you've just had a baby and have had stitch's what is the stuff the midwife's give you to hole against while you are peeing to help the burning sensation? i want to buy some for the house for after i have my baby
So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?
So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? The record right now is TWO. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
Compatbility and # of fish on 30gal?
I have 5 zebras 4 tiger barbs and a dwarf gourmi (don't comment on him he is just fine) anyways I was thinking about getting 5 corys, 4 more zebras 2 more tigers, and a dojo loach would that be too much
How many crunches should I be able to do?
Hi, I'm 13 I can do more than 100 sit ups without feeling tired but when i do crunches i can do about 30 but then I feel a burning sensation on my abs. Is this normal? Am I doing my crunches correctly. Thanks in advance
So how many time can parents leave their child HOME ALONE?
So how many times can parents leave their youngest child HOME ALONE during a vacation without having child services called? So far its been twice. OK I could deal them leaving him HOME ALONE once but they left him HOME ALONE 2 many times. It's really starting to effect the little guy, his name is Kevin and the first time they left him he was 8 and 2nd time he was 9. He lives in a really nice neighbor hood but you know burglars hit the streets during the holidays. He is quite smart, very mature, and responsible. Lets hope the same thing doesn't happened that happened last year, let him get on the wrong plane. Should I report them?
Evaporated?.....died?.....eate… :O ?
does your sucking part of the filter have a huge gap? because that might be the problem. usually fishes go missing like that by filters so check in there. if so, get a filter like the tetra 10i. it works really well and no fish go missing unless its a baby fry or really tiny fish that are very skinny and are a few milimetres.
Orange you glad homeowners get arrested in England for killing burglars (wink-wink)?
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British Army BARB Test?
There is no dress code to adhere to for the BARB test. Turn up in smart casual clothing, something that you feel comfortable wearing when sitting down using the screens to do the test. The more comfortable you are the more likely you will settle into doing the test. Remember this test determines which roles you will be able to do, so a higher score the better.
Is my tiger barb fish ok?
in my fishbowl there is a car decoration and it's just sitting in there. I tried to feed it and it was just sitting there. this has been going on for like a week. also I had three other fish in there and they all died (besides this last fish).
Would these fish be okay in my 60 gallon fish tank?
Yes all of these will mix very well. With your 60 gallon tank you need to stay below 60 inches of fish.That 60 inches is full grown size , keep that in mind when you buy your fish. a 1/2" fish in the store can become a 1 1/2" to 3" fish in a few months. You mite want to let your tank cycle with only 4 fish for the first 4 to 6 weeks. After it clears again then you can load it up.
Can Cervical Cancer be detected on an Ultra Sound?
In the early stages of cervical cancer, the ultrasound would look normal. That's why they use a pap smear rather than an ultrasound to check for cervical cancer. By the time the tumors have gotten big enough to show up on ultrasound, the cancer has spread and may not be curable. But if it is detected when it is just on the cervix and very small, then it is usually curable.
My knees STILL aren't better!?
Thursday afternoon (around 2pm-ish) I went running. After running both knees felt stiff (was an easy run, stretched good, no issues). Friday morning I couldn't walk without getting sharp pains (in my entire knee an also below the knee by the top of the shin) and I still couldn't bend my knees. It is now Saturday night and I still can't bend both knees straight or bend them to my butt (if I do I get really bad pain and someone has to physically push my leg, I can't get past 45 degrees without help). I also keep getting almost a tingling sensation behind my knee at times. My knees also look slightly bruised in the same places. Most of my knee pain is along the inside of my knee caps and below the knee cap. What could I have done to BOTH my knees at the SAME time?? Also, I haven't been doing sports or walking much but I have sports monday, IF for some reason my knees feel better should I play?
In the game infamous in Warren, how do you get the call drop at the top of the penitentrary?
It is in the southwest Warren near the cranes there is a call drop sattelite at the top of a penetentary, at least that is what I assume by all the barb wire, anyway I cannot find how to get to the top of it. Please help thanks
Could it be a burglar, or a ghost?
Yes ! ive heard many stories like this ! If it were a burglar then they wouldn't come back more then once, they would take everything at the same time. Its definitely a ghost. Good luck
Explain this law please ?
get your head around this one...a man i know was arrested for assult after punching on the nose a burglar he caught in his home, yet i seen on tv recently where robbers of a shop on a high street in england were attacted on escape by a female pensioner, who on the street battered one of the robbers with her handbag...and she was hailed a national hero.
What objects can be used to give the same sensation as oral sex? (WOMEN)?
Diverting away from my normal questions! Are there any household objects that can be used to give the same effect/feeling as oral sex would? (for women).
Help! Do I have a UTI?
It sounds to me like you have a UTI. There are no home remedies to cure a UTI, you need to see the doctor for antibiotics so that it doesn't spread to your kidneys. The doctor can also give you a pain reliever especially for your urinary tract. Feel better soon!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Why is goldbond medicated painful to put on?
i put the stuff on after my shower so it sticks to my skin but then it's like the most painful burning sensation for like ten minutes, is that normal
Why does it get me really horny when he kisses my neck?
I was at the mall with my boyfriend and some friends. My boyfriend was behind me hugging me and he moved my hair to one side and started gently kissing my neck. An AMAZING sensation went through my body and I wanted to just fu** him on the spot! I was so turned on and I was sad that I was with my friends haha :P
Has anyone else noticed libs lose it when Obama's golfing is questioned?
Not really. We just enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of criticizing one president for doing something that was absolutely fine with you when another president did it.
Is it ok to put a betta into my aquarium?
I have a 29 gallon tank,(I'm going to put other fish into it too.) I have white gravel, it's a rectangular tank, and a have a filter. When I look at it from outside(where I'm sitting) I can see the reflection. My dad says it wont see the reflection from inside the tank but will see the reflection if there's something black(the filter is black) next the the tank wall. I have no idea how black could affect the reflection, but I want to know because so far my dad is a failure at fish keeping.(he's killed over 50 fish). If I want this to work out I can't take answers from him >.< I also have currently a flame gourami and a goldfish. I just got them and the goldfish is pretty young/small. Also would the betta get along with a cherry/tiger barb?
Would all these fish get a long in a 75 gal tank?
dont feel bad if your ghost shrimp get eaten, they are feeder food to begin with, tetras are usually fin nippers so they might nip at the guppies tails, also guppies, plattys, and sword fish are live bearers so if they have babies they will probably be eaten by the barbs, cories are weird some group some keep to them self, i have an albino and grey and they are great buddies, if your temperature is between 68 and 75 degrees you have no need for a heater. i had plants and they all got ate, so good luck with that i currently have 3 bulbs that were guaranteed to grow in 3 months and i yet to see any growth. 6 months later.
I can't seem to attract girls?????????? i'm not bad looking or anything?
so this is the problem.. im in college still a virgin i've had girls in the past and most girls would concur that im "cute"; however, I can't seem to attract girls anymore. Yes, my main focus in school and I don't drive and car, but seriously what is the problem? I'm timid and some would say egotistical and materialistic. No ****, i'm from Russia... I've seen poverty.. ive seen what my life could be like and YES im going to exploit this opportunity and major in finance and make bank.... i don't see that as a bad thing. I'm still passionate about things like aviation, outdoors, surfing, and my personal favorite sport PARKOUR. I don't socialize with strangers in part because of my past and my fized notions of who I am.... I used to be a burglar/thief no one knows this but its the truth and looking at me you could never tell.... I aspired to be a vor v zakone..thief in law.. and it forbids socializing and i followed rules like this in high school so ive become very independant...
Have any of you kept kuhli loaches?
If so what are they like I heard my cherry barbs will help them not be so nervous. Also can they be in an aquarium with a coated gravel substrate?
What are the best ways to be successful saving money with coupons?
I am staring in on the new money saving sensation hitting the nation wide--extreme couponing lol!!! I would LOVE to know any secrets anyone would like to share!!
Can i feed my fish vegetables? ?
I wanted to shake up my fishes diet so would my gouramis cherry barbs and loaches enjoy some veggies if so what kind?
Do stores use k band?
while driving in towns and citys with a radar detector on I pick up a lot of K and KA bands and see not police car or standing. Was told some stores use radio burglar alarm useing K and KA band
Tingling in right arm?
For the last three hours now, I've had the strangest tingling sensation in my right arm. It's reminiscent of when a limb falls asleep, but without the pins and needles. It's not really numb, just tingly. I was laying on it, but that was hours ago. I feel like the tingling should have stopped by now...
C02 Systems? How? What?
CO2 is a carbon dioxide that is required by plants just like oxygen is required by animals. Carbon dioxide produced by fishes might not be enough for plants to grow well, that is when co2 diffusers r used. Java fern and moss will do alright in low light water without co2, they r very hardy plants, i have them in my 40 gallon goldfish aquarium. They can do well in cold water, warm water,brakish water, low light, high light whatever.Java fern grows best while tied on a driftwood or rock. To learn how co2 diffusers work, check videos on youtube, they have many videos where u can make ur own co2 reactor at home.
Are The Chauvet Cave Paintings really 30,000 years old. ?
I think they go by carbon dating. The thing with European art in the National Gallery and every other institution is that they are products of the Christian era. And 'art' in the realistic sense had basically died. The Greeks and Romans were quite capable of realistic interpretation, but image-making took a back seat once we became Christian. The Chinese and Japanese were producing wonderful art in their own Eastern way at the same time. It wasn't until Humanism arose, along with the revival of studies of Greek and Roman texts and art, that perspective and study of the human figure (especially) started up again.
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